Online Pitch Registration
WiSE24: Women’s International Showcase of Entrepreneurs
A global innovation day to celebrate, connect, and showcase
Women Entrepreneurs around the world in 24 hours.
September 19, 2019
September 20, 2019 (ASIA)
WiSE24: Women’s International Showcase of Entrepreneurs
A global innovation day to celebrate, connect, and showcase
Women Entrepreneurs around the world in 24 hours.
September 19, 2019
September 20, 2019 (ASIA)
Discover Top Women Founded Startups
Over a single 24 hours
Presented from cities all around the globe
Attend a local event near you or watch any or all of these amazing entrepreneurs pitch online
This is a character, two people leaning on each other, and it means “human” in Japanese.
We seek innovation and transformation of the world through Hito. It is a cultural shift, with wisdom of togetherness.