When you invest in women the future is bright.
What was the last truly novel idea you heard?
Hang out with us and you'll hear a bunch, because being a disruptor is the nature of being a female founder.
When the deck is stacked against you, you try harder and you think bigger.
Women are taking different risks and tackling different challenges than those that venture money traditionally funded.
Women are developing businesses that make sense to them and to other women, who, by the way, control 80% of consumer purchasing power.
They are focusing on stages of life long ignored by innovation, and they are creating businesses that outperform.
Help us solve this puzzle...
As investors, we're driven by economics, and yet, women receive dramatically less funding than their male counterparts even though they deliver superior returns.
We all know the numbers. In 2017 and 2018, female founders received 2.2% of VC dollars.
But female founders actually generate better results.
The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation found that women-led teams generate a 35% higher return on investment than all-male teams.
Does Investing In Women Entrepreneurs Make Good Economic Sense? Just ask Reid Hoffman.
Let us help you to develop game changing innovation and entrepreneurship programs. Our programs are global - we can come to you or deliver U.S. based programming to you.
To learn more, get in touch.